07524 - 299200 tsu@bsf.nic.in

Spherical Grenade

Spherical Grenades are designed to spin vigorously while delivering lachrymatory smoke. The spherical shape and special design of emission holes enables spinning of the grenade while releasing smoke thus restricts scope of throwback on law enforcing agencies. Its light weight and compact design ensures easy holding and lobbing.



Technical Specification

Launching Method Lobbing with under hand motion
Irritant Chemical CS
Smoke emission time       15 ± 5 Sec
Grenade Body                          Plastic
Range                                  35+ 10 mtrs
Shelf life                              Operational – 03Years
For training purpose –04 years
(Total life – 07 years)



  • To create deterrent effect and surprise.

  • Effective for law enforcement purposes against highly active and determined rioters.

  • Best for urban law enforcement duties where metalled road/ hard surfaces are available.


  • Quick discharge and vigorous spinning restricts scope of throwback on law enforcing agencies.

  • Easy holding and lobbing.

  • Can be used in all-weather condition.

  • Designed for outdoor application.


  • Not to be used in confined space.