07524 - 299200 tsu@bsf.nic.in

Dye Marker Grenade (Irritant)

Dye Marker Grenade with irritant is combination of dye and irritant chemical. It disperses irritant chemical with flash-bang and at the same time leaves behind dye marks on the clothes/body to facilitate identification.

Technical Specification

Launching Method Thrown by hand
Chemical used Stun, Dye solution & Synthetic chilli
Grenade Body                          Plastic
Range                              Hand thrown-35+ 10 mtrs
Shelf life                             Operational – 03 Years
For training purpose –04 years
(Total life – 07 years)



  • Creates triple effects of stunning, lachrymation as well as to facilitate identification by law enforcing agencies.


  • Easy to throw.

  • Retention of Dye for a period of 48 hrs.


  • Should be thrown in air with high angle to avoid direct hit and to make it burst while in the air well above the target.